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Ревматология 131 книга
изд. 2020
Oliver Obe, Susan M. / Оливер Убе Oxford handbook of musculoskeletal nursing
- изд. 2020
Filled with practical advice and up-to-date clinical information and management techniques, this book is an invaluable guide for all nurses and allied health professionals working with patients who have musculoskeletal conditions. Features new chapters on the patient`s perspective, nurse-led clinics...
4 750 ₽
изд. 2020
Firestein, Gary S. Firestein & Kelley'S Textbook Of Rheumatology, 2-Volume Set
- изд. 2020
Through 10 outstanding editions, Kelley & Firestein's Textbook of Rheumatology has provided authoritative, in-depth guidance in rheumatology with an ideal balance of basic science and clinical application. The 11th Edition of this classic text continues this tradition of excellence, while keeping...
53 129 ₽
изд. 2020
Davis, John Cancer And Rheumatic Diseases, An Issue Of Rheumatic Disease Clinics Of North America,46-3
- изд. 2020
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest edited by Dr. John Davis, will discuss Cancer and Rheumatic Diseases. This issue is one of four selected each year by series Consulting Editor, Dr. Michael Weisman. Topics discussed in this issue include, but are not limited to: rheumatic drugs and mali...
13 281 ₽
изд. 2020
Baraliakos, Xenofon Spondyloarthritis: The Changing Landscape Today, An Issue Of Rheumatic Disease Clinics Of North America,46-2
- изд. 2020
This issue of Rheumatic Disease Clinics, guest edited by Drs. Xenofon Baraliakos and Michael H. Weisman, Spondyloarthritis: The Changing Landscape Today, takes a very comprehensive look at all of the essential topics surrounding spondyloarthritis. This issue is one of four selected each year by Dr. ...
13 281 ₽
изд. 2019
Kay, Jonathan Controversies In Rheumatology,An Issue Of Rheumatic Disease Clinics Of North America,45-3
- изд. 2019
This timely book links the explosion of conspiracy theories about the U.S. government in recent years to the revelations of real government conspiracies. It traces anti-government theories from the birth of the modern state in World War I to the current war on terror. This 10th Anniversary Edition i...
14 477 ₽
изд. 2019
Curtis, Jeffrey Technology And Big Data In Rheumatology , An Issue Of Rheumatic Disease Clinics Of North America,45-2
- изд. 2019
Conceptual engineering is a newly flourishing branch of philosophy which investigates problems with our concepts and considers how they might be ameliorated: `truth`, for instance, is susceptible to paradox, and it`s not clear what `race` stands for. This is the first collective exploration of possi...
14 477 ₽
изд. 2019
Ramrakha Punit. / Рамраха Пунит Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine
- изд. 2019
The fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine has been revised throughout to include the most up-to-date guidelines and treatment management plans. With new figures and clinical tips, and a brand new chapter on the older patient, this edition remains the must-have resource for all thos...
5 701 ₽
изд. 2021
Lupus, an issue of rheumatic disease clinics of north america
- изд. 2021
From Glenys Nellist, the bestselling author of the Snuggle Time and Love Letters from God series as well as the holiday favorite `Twas the Evening of Christmas, comes Baptized in the Water, a charming celebration of baptism that helps children understand the spiritual importance of being baptized a...
11 953 ₽
изд. 2018
Ali Self Assessment in Rheumatology
- изд. 2018
This practical study guide illustrates a variety of different scenarios of rheumatic disease in succinct question and answer format. It contains 120 complex cases with potentially unusual diagnoses designed to stimulate thought and further reading in this rapidly evolving specialty. The questions demonstrate...
5 746 ₽
изд. 2013
Luqmani Raashid Textbook of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rheumatology
- изд. 2013
Suitable for medical students, this title covers orthopaedics, trauma and rheumatology. It offers both core information regarding what the student needs to know about these specialties and a series of cases with questions and answers that illustrate the thinking behind common everyday practice.
5 433 ₽
изд. 2018
Oxford textbook of psoriatic arthritis
- изд. 2018
Practical and all-inclusive, with summary boxes to distil the most important information, the Oxford Textbook of Psoriatic Arthritis will prove an invaluable resource for rheumatologists, dermatologists, trainees, and all members of the multidisciplinary team who are interested in recent advances i...
15 180 ₽
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