Дерматология 377 книг
Clinical Dermatology
изд. 2013

Soutor Clinical Dermatology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Focuses on clinical dermatology. Featuring a strong focus on diagnosis and treatment, this title includes 100 common dermatologic conditions. It is divided into three sections: Fundamentals of Diagnosis and Treatment, Common Skin Diseases, and Problem Based Dermatology (which includes cases).
14 413 ₽
Mcgraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Dermatology A Pictorial Review
изд. 2014

Asra Ali Mcgraw-Hill Specialty Board Review Dermatology A Pictorial Review

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
A full-color review of dermatology that features a standardized at-a-glance presentation which includes more than 350 illustrations side-by-side with must-know bulleted facts. Covering the full scope of dermatologic conditions found in clinical practice, it contains 400 multiple-choice questions wit...
16 643 ₽
Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials
изд. 2016

Johnston, Ronald / Ронльд Джонстон Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016

Comprehensive and easy to read, Weedon's Skin Pathology Essentials, 2nd Edition, by Ronald B. Johnston, MD, provides a superb overview of key diagnoses in dermatopathology and is ideal for quickly looking up practical problems in the recognition and diagnosis of skin lesions both clinically and...

23 642 ₽
Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology
изд. 2016

Cassarino, David S. Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Ideal for pathologists, dermatopathologists, and dermatologists alike, Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology, second edition offers the latest findings with regard to the interpretation and diagnosis of cutaneous neoplasms. Its detailed format with lavish illustrations facilitates the clinician's...
36 791 ₽
Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology
изд. 2016

Kane Kay Color Atlas and Synopsis of Pediatric Dermatology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Features full-color photographs of skin lesions in children, along with management and treatment recommendations. Modeled after Fitzpatrick`s Color Atlas and Synopsis of Clinical Dermatology, this point-of-care companion delivers what you need to confidently assess, diagnose, and manage diseases of ...
18 703 ₽
Guidebook To Dermatologic Diagnosis
изд. 2017

Burgin Guidebook To Dermatologic Diagnosis

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
A unique systematic approach to dermatologic diagnosis
9 951 ₽
Color Atlas Of Pediatric Dermatology
изд. 2017

Kristal Color Atlas Of Pediatric Dermatology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
An unsurpassed visual archive of pediatric dermatology -- with more than 300 brand-new color images!
27 111 ₽
Barnhill'S Dermatopathology Challenge: Self-Assessment & Review
изд. 2016

Desman / Десман Barnhill'S Dermatopathology Challenge: Self-Assessment & Review

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Provides you with both a practical self-assessment tool and a comprehensive review. Covering pertinent clinical and histopathologic encountered in private and academic dermatopathology practice, this title enables you to gain a comprehensive understanding of this critical subspecialty area.
27 111 ₽
Treatment Of Traumatic Scars From Burns And Trauma
изд. 2017

Alam M. Treatment Of Traumatic Scars From Burns And Trauma

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
An up-to-date, clinical guide to managing scars, improving function and quality of life for patients
22 993 ₽
Cosmetic Dermatology for Men, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics,36-1
изд. 2018

Sadick, Neil S. Cosmetic Dermatology for Men, An Issue of Dermatologic Clinics,36-1

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
One March morning, writer Floyd Skloot was inexplicably struck by an attack of unrelenting vertigo that ended 138 days later as suddenly as it had begun. With body and world askew, everything familiar had transformed. Nothing was ever still. Revertigo is Skloot`s account of that unceasingly vertigin...
12 219 ₽
Nail Disorders
изд. 2018

Tosti, Antonella Nail Disorders

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Dit boek wordt een methodische benadering geboden voor het gestandaardiseerd inrichten en aansturen van modern functioneel beheer. Functioneel beheer kan een mooie brug vormen tussen de business en IT-beheer. Het schijnbaar complexe vakgebied functioneel beheer krijgt nog maar relatief kort de aanda...
11 156 ₽
изд. 2018

Miteva, Mariya I Alopecia

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Get a quick, expert overview of alopecia with this concise, practical resource. Dr. Mariya Miteva covers high-interest clinical topics including hair cosmeceuticals, new medications in clinical trials, off-label treatment technologies, and much more. It's an ideal resource for dermatologists, dermatopathologists,...

12 086 ₽
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