Гепатология 99 книг
Transplantation of the Liver
изд. 2014

Busuttil, Ronald Transplantation of the Liver

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Focuses on every imaginable aspect of liver transplantation. This title offers you the protocols, surgical approaches, and techniques used in this challenging procedure.
30 304 ₽
Tumors of the liver
изд. 2018

Torbenson, Michael, Md Zeh, Yoh Yeh, Matthew M. / Микаэль Торбенсон Tumors of the liver

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Numerous advances in our understanding of the pathology and molecular features of liver tumors have been made since the publication of the previous series, nearly two decades ago. Examples of recent advances include the identification of novel entities, including their precursor lesions, the discov...
25 436 ₽
Harrison'S Gastroenterology And Hepatology
изд. 2017

Longo Harrison'S Gastroenterology And Hepatology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Gastroenterology and Hepatology - as only Harrison`s can cover it
10 861 ₽
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