Гематология 193 книги
Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management
изд. 2014

HUSSAIN I. SABA & HAROLD R. ROBERTS Hemostasis and Thrombosis: Practical Guidelines in Clinical Management

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Thrombotic and bleeding disorders affect at least 10 million people in the US alone. As a result there has been much more interest and research into this field. The field of haematology is undergoing major advances in thrombosis research, including significant additions to recommended treatment prot...
12 664 ₽
Haematology in Critical Care
изд. 2014

Thachil Haematology in Critical Care

  • ENG
  • изд. 2014
Issues of thrombosis, bleeding, and transfusion are extremely common, and often complex, in critically ill patients. This book provides a dependable source of expert guidance on how to handle common haematological problems seen in the critical care setting, as well as the acute care of patients with...
11 397 ₽
Handbook of Venous Thromboembolism
изд. 2018

Jecko Thachil, Catherine Bagot Handbook of Venous Thromboembolism

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

A clinically oriented handbook providing up-to-date recommendations for mastering the practical aspects of patient management for venous thromboembolism

Venous thromboembolism (VTE) is associated with high morbidity and mortality both in and out of the hospital setting, and is one of the commonest reasons...

12 822 ₽
ABC of Clinical Haematology
изд. 2018

Drew Provan ABC of Clinical Haematology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Thoroughly revised and updated, ABC of Clinical Haematology is an essential guide and introduction to clinical haematology and to the treatment and management of common blood related disorders.

The fourth edition contains new chapters that reflect the most recent developments whilst other chapters have...

5 694 ₽
Inherited Bleeding Disorders in Women, 2nd Edition
изд. 2018

Kadir, James, Lee Inherited Bleeding Disorders in Women, 2nd Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

The essential guide for understanding and treating women with inherited bleeding disorders, revised and updated

Now in its second edition, Inherited Bleeding Disorders in Women includes the most recent developments and research in the field. This important guide offers the most current information ...

27 395 ₽
Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine
изд. 2019

Ramrakha Punit. / Рамраха Пунит Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The fourth edition of the Oxford Handbook of Acute Medicine has been revised throughout to include the most up-to-date guidelines and treatment management plans. With new figures and clinical tips, and a brand new chapter on the older patient, this edition remains the must-have resource for all thos...
5 701 ₽
Hoffbrand`s essential haematology
изд. 2019

Hoffbrand, A. Victor Steensma, David P. / А. Виктор Хоффбренд Hoffbrand`s essential haematology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

The new and fully updated edition of the definitive haematology textbook for undergraduate and postgraduate students and trainees

Hoffbrand's Essential Haematology is widely regarded as the most authoritative introduction to the subject available, helping medical students and trainee doctors understand...

8 387 ₽
Clinical hematology
изд. 2017

Turgeon, Mary Louise / Мэри Луиза Тургион Clinical hematology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Designed to help students develop the professional entry-level competencies they need for certification and career success, this 6th edition of Clinical Hematology strengthens the pedagogy that set the quality benchmark for hematology and includes the current, competency-based content needed by MLT...
13 649 ₽
Immunology and Serology
изд. 2018

Patricia Marques Immunology and Serology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Immunology and Serology are two major science fields. Immunology is defined as the study of the molecules, cells, organs, and systems responsible for the recognition and disposal of foreign material. Immunology began as a branch of microbiology. The study of infectious disease and the body’s respon...
19 712 ₽
Blood Cell Morphology Grading Guide
изд. 2018

Gene Gulati Blood Cell Morphology Grading Guide

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Gulati’s updated, comprehensively illustrated guide makes the process of grading blood cell morphology more immediately practical for laboratory professionals - and more meaningful for patient management. Entirely new features of the second edition include summary tables of grading criteria for abn...
8 896 ₽
Color Atlas of Hematology: Practical Microscopic and Clinical Diagnosis
изд. 2004

Harald Klaus Theml Color Atlas of Hematology: Practical Microscopic and Clinical Diagnosis

  • ENG
  • изд. 2004
A Flexibook for both the specialist and non-specialist, the new book offers accessible information on hematology in a succinct format. In addition to providing basic methodology, the book utilizes more than 260 color illustrations to detail the most up-to-date clinical procedures. Numerous tables a...
4 179 ₽
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