Клиническая и терапевтическая медицина 9468 книг
Infectious Diseases, 2-Volume Set, 4th Edition
изд. 2016

Powderly, William G. Opal, Steven M. Infectious Diseases, 2-Volume Set, 4th Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Drs. Cohen, Powderly and Opal, three of the most-respected names in infectious disease medicine, lead a diverse team of international contributors to bring you the latest knowledge and best practices. Extensively updated, the fourth edition includes brand-new information on advances in diagnosis of...
30722 ₽   27 650 ₽
Manual of Clinical Oncology 8e
изд. 2017

Mary C. Territo and Bartosz Chmielowski Manual of Clinical Oncology 8e

  • ENG
  • изд. 2017
Concise, portable, and packed with essential information, Manual of Clinical Oncology is an indispensable resource for understanding basic science, clinical findings, and available technology as they relate to the diagnosis and management patients with cancer. The practical format provides high-yie...
4 505 ₽
Cellular and Molecular Immunology/ Abbas, Abul K. - Elsevier, 2017
изд. 2017

Abbas, Abul K. Lichtman, Andrew H. H. Pillai, Shiv Cellular and Molecular Immunology/ Abbas, Abul K. - Elsevier, 2017

  • изд. 2017
The top required and recommended immunology text worldwide, Cellular and Molecular Immunology by Drs. Abul K. Abbas, Andrew H. H. Lichtman, and Shiv Pillai, is a clear, well-written, and superbly illustrated introduction to the field. The 9th Edition retains a practical, clinical focus while updati...
4 097 ₽
The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery
изд. 2018

The Pancreas: An Integrated Textbook of Basic Science, Medicine, and Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

This brand new updated edition of the most comprehensive reference book on pancreatic disease details the very latest knowledge on genetics and molecular biological background in terms of anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pathophysiology for all known disorders.

42 042 ₽
Audiology Treatment
изд. 2018

Galster Jason a. Audiology Treatment

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
The definitive guide to treating hearing loss and auditory disorders in the 21st centuryHearing loss impacts an estimated 360 million people worldwide and may precipitate poorer academic performance, reduced quality of life, decreased social engagement, and increased fatigue. Audiology Treatment, T...
9 404 ₽
Esc textbook of cardiovascular medicine
изд. 2018

Esc textbook of cardiovascular medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Providing the background information behind clinical practice, with in-depth peer-reviewed articles and broad coverage of the field, The ESC Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine and its digital counterpart, ESC CardioMed, are invaluable resources for those working in cardiovascular medicine across t...
28 184 ₽
Diagnostic Ultrasound: Head and Neck
изд. 2019

Ahuja, Anil T. Diagnostic Ultrasound: Head and Neck

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Develop a solid understanding of head and neck ultrasound with this practical, point-of-care reference in the popular Diagnostic Ultrasound series. Written by Dr. Anil T. Ahuja and other leading experts in the field, the second edition of Diagnostic Ultrasound: Head and Neck offers detailed, clinically...

27 095 ₽
The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease
изд. 2019

Brooks Daniel R., Hoberg Eric P., Boeger Walter A. The Stockholm Paradigm: Climate Change and Emerging Disease

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The contemporary crisis of emerging disease has been a century and a half in the making. Human, veterinary, and crop health practitioners convinced themselves that disease could be controlled by medicating the sick, vaccinating those at risk, and eradicating the parts of the biosphere responsible for...
3 960 ₽
The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics
изд. 2019

Crees Zachary / Крис Захари The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!

Established for more than 75 years, The Washington Manual of Medical Therapeutics, 36th Edition, provides concise, high-yield content that reflects today's fast-changing advances in medical technology and therapeutics. In one convenient, portable...

6 793 ₽
Nanocarriers For Cancer Diagnosis And Targeted Chemotherapy
изд. 2019

Shah, Muhammad Raza / Мухаммад Раза Шах Nanocarriers For Cancer Diagnosis And Targeted Chemotherapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Nanocarriers for Cancer Diagnosis and Targeted Chemotherapy reviews the principles and applications of nanocarriers for targeted drug delivery. Drug targeting involves active and passive strategies that exploit both the use of ligands for interactions and the physical and chemical properties of nanocarriers...

18 216 ₽
Casciato Manual Oncologia Clinica 8E Pb
изд. 2018

Chmielowski Casciato Manual Oncologia Clinica 8E Pb

  • изд. 2018
Manual de referencia completo, conciso y actual que expone la ciencia b sica, los avances cl nicos y la tecnolog a disponible para el diagn stico y el tratamiento del c ncer. Los cap tulos de esta obra, que ha alcanzado una importante popularidad, presentan la informaci n necesaria para que profesionales,...
7392 ₽   6 653 ₽
Stockholm paradigm
изд. 2019

Brooks, Daniel R. Hoberg, Eric P. Boeger, Walter A. Stockholm paradigm

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
The contemporary crisis of emerging disease has been a century and a half in the making. Human, veterinary, and crop health practitioners convinced themselves that disease could be controlled by medicating the sick, vaccinating those at risk, and eradicating the parts of the biosphere responsible for...
11 880 ₽
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