Клиническая и терапевтическая медицина 9931 книга
Pocket Atlas of Spine Surgery
изд. 2018

Kern Singh, Alexander R. Vaccaro Pocket Atlas of Spine Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Pocket Atlas of Spine Surgery, 2nd Edition by Kern Singh and Alexander Vaccaro is unique in its presentation, utilizing multilayered visuals to delineate the most commonly performed spine procedures. High-definition intraoperative photographs are juxtaposed with translucent anatomic drawings. This facilitates...

9 908 ₽
Transfusion and transplantation science
изд. 2018

Transfusion and transplantation science

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Synthesizes the wide-ranging concepts essential to transfusion and transplantation science and presents them within the practical framework of the hospital banking and transplantation centre, providing you with the knowledge and skills to specialize in this discipline.
6 176 ₽
Aospine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections
изд. 2018

Barbagallo Giuseppe, Rajasekaran Shanmuganathan, Kanna Rishi Aospine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

Renowned spine experts share recent advances on the management of spinal infections

AOSpine Masters Series, Volume 10: Spinal Infections is a concise, state-of-the-art review covering all aspects of spinal infections - from basic science and epidemiology to fundamental surgical and nonsurgical approaches....

18 166 ₽
Neurosurgery Fundamentals
изд. 2018

Agarwal Nitin / Нитин Агарвал Neurosurgery Fundamentals

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

The quintessential guide providing a one-stop roadmap to a neurosurgical career

Neurological surgery is a complex, highly selective specialty. For medical students and residents, navigating a huge array of neurosurgical information can be overwhelming. Neurosurgery Fundamentals by Nitin Agarwal is a...

5 779 ₽
Meningiomas of the Skull Base: Treatment Nuances in Contemporary Neurosurgery
изд. 2018

Cappabianca Paolo, Solari Domenico Meningiomas of the Skull Base: Treatment Nuances in Contemporary Neurosurgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018

A comprehensive overview of the contemporary management of skull base meningiomas

Meningiomas, the second most frequent of intracranial tumors, are characterized by a protean range of possible locations and appearances, due to their origin from the extensive and intricately formed meninges. As such, ...

27 251 ₽
Oxford handbook of rheumatology
изд. 2018

Smith Rollin / Роллин Смит Oxford handbook of rheumatology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This updated edition of the Oxford Handbook of Rheumatology builds on the strengths of the previous editions, providing detailed information on rheumatological diseases and conditions, including a new and improved section on paediatric rheumatology.
6 018 ₽
Urologic Surgical Pathology
изд. 2019

Cheng, Liang / Го Ченг Лян Urologic Surgical Pathology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Offering comprehensive coverage of this fast-changing field for more than 20 years, Urologic Surgical Pathology is an expert guide to all common and rare entities in the genitourinary system. The 4th Edition keeps you fully up to date with discussions of newly recognized tumors and terminologies, the...
37 854 ₽
Dejongs The Neurologic Examination 8E Cb
изд. 2019

Campbell / Кэмпбелл Dejongs The Neurologic Examination 8E Cb

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Selected as a Doody's Core Title for 2021!

This popular reference is the definitive guide on exam techniques for neurology residents, fellows, and practitioners, integrating details of neuroanatomy and diagnosis in an easy-to-read, easy-to-follow format. A new clinical focus, new videos online,...

25 571 ₽
Cardiac Anesthesia: A Problem-Based Learning Approach
изд. 2019

Minhaj Mohammed / Мохаммед Минхай Cardiac Anesthesia: A Problem-Based Learning Approach

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
Cardiac Anesthesia: A Problem-Based Learning Approach provides a comprehensive review of the dynamic and ever-changing field of cardiac anesthesia. Its problem-based format incorporates a pool of multiple-choice questions for self-assessment. Each of its 36 case-based chapters is accompanied
by questions...
21 384 ₽
изд. 2020

Jefferis, Helen (obstetrics And Gynaecology Locum, Obstetrics And Gynaecology Locum, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford University Hospitals Nhs Foundati Urogynaecology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
The Oxford Specialist Handbook of Urogynaecology is a compact and comprehensive guide to all aspects of pelvic floor function and dysfunction. Ideal for the Gynaecology trainee, it includes approaches to assessment and management in all compartments, as well as chapters on special groups such as chi...
7 377 ₽
Communication in palliative nursing :
изд. 2020

Wittenberg-Lyles, Elaine, / Илейн Уиттенберг-Лиль Communication in palliative nursing :

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Communication in Palliative Nursing presents the COMFORT Model, a theoretically-grounded and empirically-based model of palliative care communication. Built on over a decade of communication research with patients, families, and interdisciplinary providers, and reworked based on feedback from hundre...
8 063 ₽
Mcqs for frcophth part 2
изд. 2020

Mcqs for frcophth part 2

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Written by experts in the field, with 360 MCQs mapped against the RCOphth curriculum, MCQs for the FRCOphth Part 2 provides a thorough assessment of the reader`s ophthalmology knowledge and is a key resource for anyone facing this challenging exam.
7 892 ₽
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