Топографическая анатомия 22 книги
Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide, 9 ed.
изд. 2020

Pushpalatha K, Deepa Bhat, Pushpa NB / К. Пушпалатха Inderbir Singh’s Textbook of Human Histology With Colour Atlas and Practical Guide, 9 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Widely used by students and faculty, the ninth edition of this book has been improvised as per current student requirements. The chapters have been revised with simplified representation. The contents have been updated incorporating recent advances that the students must be aware off.
6 521 ₽
Student workbook for illustrated anatomy of the head and neck
изд. 2021

Fehrenbach, Margaret J. Student workbook for illustrated anatomy of the head and neck

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
Corresponding to the content in the text, this comprehensive workbook provides a complete look at the bones, muscles, veins, glands, nerves, lymph nodes, and more of the head and neck. Detailed, high-quality images and a wealth of interactive learning exercises help reinforce challenging dental anatomy...
5 046 ₽
Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 3 ed.
изд. 2020

Eric W. Baker / Эрик У. Бейкер Anatomy for Dental Medicine, 3 ed.

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

A visually-rich and clinically relevant anatomy resource for dental students

Anatomy for Dental Medicine, Third Edition strikes an optimal balance between systemic and regional approaches to complex head and neck anatomy. Award-winning full-color illustrations, succinct text, summary tables, and questions...

11 560 ₽
Endoscopic Transnasal Anatomy of the Skull Base and Adjacent Areas
изд. 2019

Piero Nicolai Endoscopic Transnasal Anatomy of the Skull Base and Adjacent Areas

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019

Become familiar with the key anatomic corridors in the skull base, the sinonasal tract, and adjacent areas to guide and greatly expand your endoscopic surgical competence.

Highlighting the most recent experience from seven top leaders and innovators in the field, this seminal new work presents detailed...

28 076 ₽
Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery
изд. 2020

Ari DeRowe, Dan M. Fliss Atlas of Pediatric Head and Neck and Skull Base Surgery

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
A state-of-the-art resource on head, neck, and skull base surgical procedures in childrenPediatric otolaryngology is a rapidly expanding field with remarkable technological advances that have improved the quality of life for young patients. Many highly complex pediatric head and neck procedures are ...
28 076 ₽
Нет фото
изд. 2010

Eizenberg Anatomedia: Neck Cdrom

  • изд. 2010
8 750 ₽
Brain atlas
изд. 2008

Woolsey, Thomas A. Hanaway, Joseph Gado, Mokhtar H Brain atlas

  • ENG
  • изд. 2008
The intricacies of the human nervous system are of great intellectual and practical interest and importance and are the subject of a large number of life sciences and medical school courses worldwide. This is a guide to human neuroanatomy for undergraduate and graduate medical students, clinicians a...
9 654 ₽
Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Volume I: Head and Neck: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
изд. 2013

Torsten Bert M'ller Pocket Atlas of Sectional Anatomy, Volume I: Head and Neck: Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013

This comprehensive, easy-to-consult pocket atlas is renowned for its superb illustrations and ability to depict sectional anatomy in every plane. Together with its two companion volumes, it provides a highly specialized navigational tool for all clinicians who need to master radiologic anatomy and accurately...

7 431 ₽
Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery
изд. 2015

Baggish Michael S. / Бэггиш Майкл Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery

  • изд. 2015
The updated edition of Atlas of Pelvic Anatomy and Gynecologic Surgery richly illustrates pelvic anatomy and surgical operations through full-color anatomic drawings, correlative surgical artwork with step-by-step photographs, and computer-assisted hybrid photo illustrations. Covering a compendium o...
28 955 ₽
Atlas of Sectional Anatomy: The Musculoskeletal System
изд. 2009

Torsten Bert Moeller Atlas of Sectional Anatomy: The Musculoskeletal System

  • ENG
  • изд. 2009
A handy, full-color resource for interpreting musculoskeletal MRI scans with confidenceThis superbly illustrated atlas provides a comprehensive presentation of the normal sectional anatomy of the musculoskeletal system to aid in the diagnosis of diseases affecting the joints, soft tissues, bones, a...
16 719 ₽
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