Анатомия 620 книг
Sobotta Tables Of Muscles, Joints And Nerves, English/Latin
изд. 2018

Paulsen, Friedrich Sobotta Tables Of Muscles, Joints And Nerves, English/Latin

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Presents a manifesto to secure the Australian Labor Party`s position as the dominant force in Australian politics. It advocates for governing alone or not at all, opening up the election of the parliamentary leader to party members as well as caucus, and support for the carbon tax. Chris Bowen argue...
2 234 ₽
Sobotta Atlas Of Anatomy, Vol. 2, 16Th Ed., English/Latin
изд. 2018

Paulsen, Friedrich Sobotta Atlas Of Anatomy, Vol. 2, 16Th Ed., English/Latin

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
How can preachers ensure that their sermons continue to engage listeners in a world defined by visual media and the short, segmented delivery of information' Alyce McKenzie harnesses the element of drama and the human fascination with scenes to offer ministers a modern means of sermon developme...
6 827 ₽
изд. 2020


  • изд. 2020
Nunca fue tan sencilo aprobar un examen
Esta 6. a edici n de Serie RT. Neuroanatom a ha sido completamente revisada y actualizada a partir de la 4. a edici n de la exitosa serie Temas Clave.

En un formato conciso y sencillo, la obra incluye morfolog a y funci n del sistema nervioso, desarrollo ...

5 577 ₽
Human Anatomy
изд. 2016

Mckinley Human Anatomy

  • изд. 2016
With photographs paired with illustrations, this book helps students visualize, understand, and appreciate the wonders of human anatomy. It includes progressive question sets that motivate students to internalize and apply what they`ve learned.
10 123 ₽
Flow Cytometry: First Principles, 2nd Edition
изд. 2001

Alice Longobardi Givan Flow Cytometry: First Principles, 2nd Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2001
This book is a succinct, accessible, tutorial approach to exploring flow cytometry and its applications for the interested novice or non-specialist. This updated book touches on basic principles of instrumentation, analysis, and research, as well as diagnostic applications in biology and medicine.
12 506 ₽
Wheater's Functional Histology, (With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access)
изд. 2013

Barbara Young Wheater's Functional Histology, (With STUDENT CONSULT Online Access)

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Offering concise text accompanied by hundreds of captions and images of histology slides, this book equips you with all the histology information which you need to complete your courses and ace your exams.
9 031 ₽
Netter's Essential Histology,
изд. 2013

William K. Ovalle Netter's Essential Histology,

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Integrates gross anatomy and embryology with classic histology slides and scanning electron microscopy to give you a visual understanding of essential histology. This book utilizes a variety of visual elements - including Netter illustrations and light and electron micrographs - to teach you the his...
8 499 ₽
Applications of Flow Cytometry in Stem Cell Research and Tissue Regeneration
изд. 2010

Awtar Krishan Applications of Flow Cytometry in Stem Cell Research and Tissue Regeneration

  • ENG
  • изд. 2010
Laser flow cytometry is a powerful tool for rapid analysis of cells for marker expression, cell cycle position, proliferation and apoptosis. In most labs, training and resources are not available to teach methods of laser flow cytometry.
22 643 ₽
Epigenetic Cancer Therapy
изд. 2015

Steven Gray Epigenetic Cancer Therapy

  • ENG
  • изд. 2015

Epigenetic Cancer Therapy unites issues central to a translational audience actively seeking to understand the topic. It is ideal for cancer specialists, including oncologists and clinicians, but also provides valuable information for researchers, academics, students, governments, and decision-makers...

14 345 ₽
Textbook on Histology, 4 ed. Elsevier, 2016
изд. 2016

Gartner, Leslie P. Textbook on Histology, 4 ed. Elsevier, 2016

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
Preceded by Color textbook of histology / Leslie P. Gartner, James L. Hiatt. 3rd ed. 2007.
8 234 ₽
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