Преклиническая медицина: фундаментальные науки 2190 книг
Medical Physiology for Undergraduate Students
изд. 2018

Khurana, Indu Medical Physiology for Undergraduate Students

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Encouraged by the response to the first edition, this edition highlights the essential and relevant content of physiology with complete and balanced exposition of text with absolute clarity. With the balanced amalgamation of pure and applied text, authors aspire it to be an indispensable text for undergraduates...
4 592 ₽
Snell Anatomia Clinica Regiones 10E Pb
изд. 2019

Wineski Snell Anatomia Clinica Regiones 10E Pb

  • изд. 2019
Elogiado por su organizaci n clara y coherente, sus ilustraciones din micas y el nfasis en las aplicaciones cl nicas, Snell. Anatom a Cl nica por regiones combina perspectivas de experto junto con un enfoque f cil de usar para brindar un recurso de ense anza y aprendizaje comprobado sobre la aplicaci...
10 296 ₽
Structure & function of the body - hardcover
изд. 2019

Patton Thibodeau Structure & function of the body - hardcover

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This timely book links the explosion of conspiracy theories about the U.S. government in recent years to the revelations of real government conspiracies. It traces anti-government theories from the birth of the modern state in World War I to the current war on terror. This 10th Anniversary Edition ...
7 513 ₽
Lir Fisiologia 2E Pb
изд. 2020

Preston Lir Fisiologia 2E Pb

  • изд. 2020
LIR Fisiolog a 2ed, es la versi n actualizada y mejorada de una de las herramientas predilectas de los estudiantes para aprender y comprender la fisiolog a del cuerpo humano. Mantiene la estructura cl sica de la serie Lippincott Illustrated Reviews, con textos claros y precisos acompa ados de cientos...
7 722 ₽
Комплект Sobotta. Атлас анатомии человека Т.1 + Т. 2
изд. 2010 Комплект

Соботта Иоханнес Комплект Sobotta. Атлас анатомии человека Т.1 + Т. 2

  • RUS
  • изд. 2010
Sobotta. Атлас анатомии человека [Текст] / Под ред. Р. Путца, Р. Пабста; пер. с англ., под ред. В.В. Куликова. В 2 т. Том 1: Голова. Шея. Верхняя конечность. - М. : Рид Элсивер, 2010. - 432 с. : ил. : 24,8 см. - Перевод изд. Sobotta. Atlas der Anatomie des Menschen / Herausgegeben von R. Putz, R. P...
6 490 ₽
Ise exercise physiology: theory and application to fitness and performance
изд. 2017

Powers Ise exercise physiology: theory and application to fitness and performance

  • изд. 2017
Designed for students interested in exercise physiology, clinical exercise physiology, human performance, kinesiology/exercise science, physical therapy, and physical education, this edition provides students with an up-to-date understanding of the physiology of exercise through the use of numerous...
5 082 ₽
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