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Медицина: общие вопросы
Администрирование и управление лечебными учреж. 297 книг
изд. 2022
Laws of medicine
- изд. 2022
This book provides an overview of the US laws that affect clinical practice for healthcare professionals with no legal background. Divided into thirteen sections, each chapter starts with a summary of the chapter’s content and relevant legal concepts in bullet points before discussing the topics in ...
6 986 ₽
изд. 2022
Pikoulis Emergency Medicine, Trauma and Disaster Management
- изд. 2022
Healthcare providers will find essential information on the special medical considerations in both prehospital and hospital disaster settings, medical management of disaster response, recovery, mitigation and preparedness.
19 564 ₽
изд. 2022
Koff The Dental Team in the European Union
- изд. 2022
This book discusses dental healthcare professionals in the European Union and EU policy output and activities in the context of Europeanization and its impact on oral health care. Adopting a framework focused on an institution and its policies allows for discussion from the perspective of multiple a...
6 986 ₽
изд. 2022
Manual of Hospital Planning and Designing
- изд. 2022
This book is a one-stop resource on all the critical aspects of planning and designing hospitals, one of the most complex healthcare projects to undertake. A well-planned and designed hospital should control infection rate, provide safety to patients, caregivers and visitors, help improve patients&a...
21 661 ₽
изд. 2022
Nagappa Anantha Naik, Kanoujia Jovita, Bhatt Shvetank Perspectives in Pharmacy Practice: Trends in Pharmaceutical Care
- изд. 2022
This comprehensive text provides information on fundamental principles of clinical practice and how these can be implemented to provide excellent treatment to the patients. The triads of health care delivery include Physicians, Pharmacist and Nurses that have distinct roles and responsibilities of p...
30 745 ₽
изд. 2022
Zonderland Maartje E., Boucherie Richard J., Hans Erwin W. Handbook of Healthcare Logistics: Bridging the Gap between Theory and Practice
- изд. 2022
This book presents healthcare logistics solutions that have been successfully implemented at a variety of healthcare facilities.
19 564 ₽
изд. 2022
Silveira Fбbio, Badoch Arlene Terezinha Cagol Garcia Effective Public Health Policy in Organ Donation: Lessons from a Universal Public Health System in Brazil
- изд. 2022
This book shows how a successful public health policy designed to foster the culture of brain death diagnosis and improve the interaction between Organ Procurement Organizations and Intra-Hospital Organ and Tissue Donation Committees for Transplants led the Brazilian state of Paran' to reach on...
6 288 ₽
изд. 2022
Place and Professional Practice
- изд. 2022
This book presents the first single comprehensive analysis of the scope of geographical realities and relevance in health care work. Chapter 3 presents an empirical case study of the geographies in hospital-based ward work. Chapter 4 presents an empirical case study of the geographies in ambulance/r...
20 962 ₽
изд. 2022
The Nigerian Healthcare System
- изд. 2022
The modern-day practice of health care was imported into Nigeria over 500 years ago. In 1947, the first national health plan was developed in Nigeria with the primary goal of providing universal health care (UHC), but this goal remains elusive to date. This comprehensive book presents the roadmap ne...
9 781 ₽
изд. 2022
Ente Christopher, Ukpe Michael Essentials for Quality and Safety Improvement in Health Care: A Resource for Developing Countries
- изд. 2022
Patient safety and quality improvement in health care remain a global priority.
6 986 ₽
изд. 2021
Koh Steve, Mejia Gabriela G., Gould Hilary M. Diversity in Action: Case Studies in Cultural Psychiatry
- изд. 2021
This book presents an extensive collection of high-yield case vignettes with recommendations for a comprehensive approach to cultural psychiatry. Culture is defined from an anthropological perspective, with an emphasis on aspects of culture beyond race, ethnicity, and other traditional demographic c...
16 769 ₽
изд. 2022
Solid Craig A. Practical Strategies to Assess Value in Health Care
- изд. 2022
These days, the idea of “value” is at the center of many activities and decisions in health care in the United States. While there exist books that detail the technical steps for how to carry out a specific type of value assessment, such as cost-effectiveness or return on investment, there are few t...
6 986 ₽
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