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Психиатрическая помощь 134 книги
изд. 2020
Howard H. Goldman; Richard G. Frank; Joseph P. Mor The Palgrave Handbook of American Mental Health Policy
- изд. 2020
The handbook presents cases for conditions in which specialized mental health services are needed and those in which it might be better to deliver mental health treatment in mainstream health and social services settings.
32 142 ₽
изд. 2019
Simone Fullagar; Wendy O’Brien; Adele Pavlidis Feminism and a Vital Politics of Depression and Recovery
- изд. 2019
Drawing upon insights from feminist new materialism the book traces the complex material-discursive processes through which women’s recovery from depression is enacted within a gendered biopolitics. Within the biomedical assemblage that connects mental health policy, service provision, research and ...
11 179 ₽
изд. 2019
James H. Lake An Integrative Paradigm for Mental Health Care
- изд. 2019
This crucial volume provides a concise overview of the conceptual foundations and clinical methods underlying the rapidly emerging subspecialty of integrative mental healthcare. It discusses methods for guiding practitioners to individualized integrative strategies that address unique symptoms and c...
9 083 ₽
изд. 2019
Medlock Racism and Psychiatry
- изд. 2019
This book addresses the unique sociocultural and historical systems of oppression that have alienated African-American and other racial minority patients within the mental healthcare system. This text aims to build a novel didactic curriculum addressing racism, justice, and community mental health as...
12 577 ₽
изд. 2019
Lorraine T. Benuto Toolkit for Counseling Spanish-Speaking Clients
- изд. 2019
Delivering psychological services to Spanish-speaking clients.- Using treatment terminology with Spanish-speaking clients.- Tools for treating trauma-related disorders among Latinos.- Tools for treating generalized anxiety disorder among Latinos.- Tools for treating social anxiety disorder among Latinos.-...
16 769 ₽
изд. 2019
B'hrer-Kohler Diversity in Global Mental Health
- изд. 2019
Foreword.- Introduction.- Differences in prevalence of mental health with the inclusion of diversity, gender and lifespan.- Diversity and lifespan.- Woman, gender and diversity.- Diversity and gender differences in treatment.- Global Mental health - services and access to care.- Mental Health/GMH pr...
6 986 ₽
изд. 2020
Levin Foundations of Behavioral Health
- изд. 2020
This comprehensive book examines the organization, financing, delivery, and outcomes of behavioral health (i.e., alcohol, drug abuse, and mental health) services from both U.S. and global perspectives. Addressing the need for more integrative and collaborative approaches in public health and behavio...
15 372 ₽
изд. 2020
Driss Moussaoui; Dinesh Bhugra; Antonio Ventriglio Mental Health and Illness in Migration
- изд. 2020
This book unravels the mental health challenges of the migrants and the socio economic and cultural conditions that bear on the mental well being.
34 937 ₽
изд. 2019
Kinderman Peter Manifesto for Mental Health
- изд. 2019
A Manifesto for Mental Health presents a radically new and distinctive outlook that critically examines the dominant `disease-model` of mental health care.
4 191 ₽
изд. 2019
Interprofessional care and mental health
- изд. 2019
This book utilises conversation analysis (CA) and discursive psychology (DP) methodologies to examine the internal workings of multi-disciplinary teams which are concerned with the care, treatment and diagnosis of clients with complex mental health needs. Bringing together practitioners, service users...
18 167 ₽
изд. 2019
Kritsotaki Preventing Mental Illness
- изд. 2019
This book provides an overview of a diverse array of preventive strategies relating to mental illness, and identifies their achievements and shortcomings. The chapters in this collection illustrate how researchers, clinicians and policy makers drew inspiration from divergent fields of knowledge and ...
9 432 ₽
изд. 2019
Kitwood Tom Dementia Reconsidered Revisited: The Person Still Comes Firs
- изд. 2019
The original Dementia Reconsidered: The Person Comes First by Tom Kitwood was published by Open University Press in 1997. It was a seminal text in the field of dementia studies and is still cited and referenced as core reading on person-centred dementia care. Tom died unexpectedly, just 12 months after...
5 661 ₽
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