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Медицина: общие вопросы
Учреждения общего профиля 374 книги
изд. 2024
Anika Kumar, Colleen Schelzig, Moises Auron, Sangeeta Krishna Pediatric Hospital Medicine: A High-Value Approach
- изд. 2024
A first-of-its-kind, point-of-care teaching tool, Pediatric Hospital Medicine: A High-Value Approach focuses exclusively on high-value care as it relates to the growing field of pediatric hospital medicine (PHM). This practical, approachable resource shares expert insights and guidance from Drs. Moises...
10 982 ₽
изд. 2023
Estrada Jr.,Carlos R. Pediatric Urology, An Issue Of Urologic Clinics,50-3
- изд. 2023
14 147 ₽
изд. 2020
Khodaee Sports-related Fractures, Dislocations and Trauma
- изд. 2020
This exciting, user-friendly text covers everything sports medicine and emergency clinicians need to know when encountering sports-related injuries and trauma, whether on the field or in the office.
30 745 ₽
изд. 2023
Reitz Connections in the Clinic
- изд. 2023
This book assembles many of the foremost writers and clinicians in the field of team-based primary care to share their own relational reflections. It features narratives from fields such as integrated behavioral health, integrated primary care, primary care behavioral health, medical family therapy,...
7 965 ₽
изд. 2023
Vlahovic Atlas of Lower Extremity Skin Disease
- изд. 2023
Lower extremity skin disorders are often overlooked by clinicians. Ailments such as eczema, psoriasis and tinea at times prove difficult to distinguish clinically, and misdiagnosis can lead to inappropriate therapy. Many practitioners are mystified when confronted with an abnormal appearing nail. De...
25 155 ₽
изд. 2020
Petty Basic Electrocardiography
- изд. 2020
The significantly expanded second edition of this important textbook provides a comprehensive overview of the basics of electrocardiography. Each chapter is revised, and the book includes new chapters that focus on pacemakers, low voltage, pulmonary embolism, and hypothermia. The book is intended to...
9 781 ₽
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