Эпидемиология и медицинская статистика 442 книги
изд. 2020

Johannes Knolle, James Poskett Migration

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Eight leading scholars from across the arts, humanities, and sciences contribute to this volume discussing migration and its influence on the modern world. This interdisciplinary approach provides an original perspective on one of the most important topics of our time and will appeal to anyone inter...
2 850 ₽
изд. 2020

Mehrzad, Raman Obesity

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Obesity continues to accelerate resulting in an unprecedented epidemic that shows no significant signs of slowing down any time soon. The World Health Organization reports that in 2016, nearly 2 billion adults were overweight and that worldwide obesity has nearly tripled since 1975. Obesity: Global ...
17 533 ₽
изд. 2020

Iackson, Alan. Rabies

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

Rabies: Basis of the Disease and Its Management, Fourth Edition is an authoritative reference on the current status of rabies, including the virological, clinical, and public health aspects and management recommendations. Rabies remains one of the most important global public health problems worldwide....

20 455 ₽
изд. 2018

Bjшrnstad O. Epidemics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This book is designed to be a practical study in infectious disease dynamics. The chapters of Epidemics: Models and Data using R have been organized in a reasonably logical way: Chapters 1-10 is a mix and match of models, data and statistics pertaining to local disease dynamics;
7 785 ₽
Vital statistics: An introduction to health science statistics
изд. 2013

Stephen McKenzie Vital statistics: An introduction to health science statistics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013

Vital Statistics: an introduction to health science statistics is a new Australian publication. This textbook draws on real world, health-related and local examples, with a broad appeal to the Health Sciences student. It demonstrates how an understanding of statistics is useful both in the real world,...

3 454 ₽
Methods in Biomedical Informatics,
изд. 2013

Neil Sarkar Methods in Biomedical Informatics,

  • ENG
  • изд. 2013
Beginning with a survey of fundamental concepts associated with data integration, knowledge representation, and hypothesis generation from heterogeneous data sets, Methods in Biomedical Informatics provides a practical survey of methodologies used in biological, clinical, and public health contexts...
7 832 ₽
Outbreak investigation, prevention, and control in health care settings
изд. 2008

Arias, Kathleen Meehan Outbreak investigation, prevention, and control in health care settings

  • ENG
  • изд. 2008
In today's era, we are forced to realize that outbreaks can occur at any moment. From anthrax to the avian flu, potential outbreaks can spread rapidly through air, water, and other means. Hospital personnel are now being trained to understand and monitor outbreaks in health care facilities. Professionals...
20 456 ₽
Test, Estimation and Sample Size Determination in Basic Crossover Designs
изд. 2016

Kung-Jong Lui Test, Estimation and Sample Size Determination in Basic Crossover Designs

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
A comprehensive and practical resource for analyses of crossover designs For ethical reasons, it is vital to keep the number of patients in a clinical trial as low as possible.
8 910 ₽
Red Book Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinical Decision Support Chart
изд. 2018

Kimberlin David W. Red Book Pediatric Infectious Diseases Clinical Decision Support Chart

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
This convenient flip chart provides pediatric health care professionals with point-of-care guidance on the assessment, prevention, and treatment of childhood infectious diseases. Includes handy algorithms and tables to provide quick, practical support and guidance.Topics include:SyphilisVaricella-Z...
4 596 ₽
Primer Of Biostatistics, 7 ed
изд. 2011

Glantz Primer Of Biostatistics, 7 ed

  • ENG
  • изд. 2011
Features an introduction to understanding statistics as they apply to medicine and the life sciences. This is an analysis of variance and the t test, then advance to multiple comparison testing, contingency tables, regression, and more.
7 245 ₽
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