Медицинские лабораторные анализы и их методики 80 книг
Molecular diagnostics
изд. 2019

Molecular diagnostics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
A thorough coverage of molecular techniques combined with their application to diagnostic pathology, offering a true blend of theory and practice.
7 602 ₽
Handbook of In Vivo Chemistry in Mice: From Lab to Living System
изд. 2020

Katsunori Tanaka, Kenward Vong Handbook of In Vivo Chemistry in Mice: From Lab to Living System

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
Provides timely, comprehensive coverage of in vivo chemical reactions within live animals

This handbook summarizes the interdisciplinary expertise of both chemists and biologists performing in vivo chemical reactions within live animals. By comparing and contrasting currently available chemical and...

23 752 ₽
Clinical decision support: tools, strategies, and emerging technologies, an issue of the clinics in laboratory medicine
изд. 2019

Dighe, Anand S Clinical decision support: tools, strategies, and emerging technologies, an issue of the clinics in laboratory medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2019
This book analyses the life and work of Anagarika Dharmapala, a leading Sinhalese Buddhist who sought to possess and administer the Mahabodhi site in Bihar. This temple is located in the spot where the Biddha is said to have achieved enlightenment. Dharmapala later established the Mahabodhi society ...
11 156 ₽
Succeeding in Academic Medicine
изд. 2020

S'nchez Succeeding in Academic Medicine

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
This first-of-its-kind book for underrepresented racial and ethnic minorities (URM), women, and sexual and gender minorities in medicine offers the core knowledge and skills needed to achieve a well-planned, fulfilling career in academic medicine.
9 083 ₽
Medical Laboratory Science Flash Cards for Examinations and
изд. 2015

Laposata Michael Medical Laboratory Science Flash Cards for Examinations and

  • ENG
  • изд. 2015
300 flashcards provide a fun, fast, carry-anywhere review for the Medical Laboratory Technician certification exam
6 291 ₽
Koneman. Diagn'stico microbiol'gico: Texto y atlas
изд. 2017

Gary W. Procop, Elmer W. Koneman Koneman. Diagn'stico microbiol'gico: Texto y atlas

  • изд. 2017
Desde su primera edicion, hace ya casi 40 anos,Koneman. Diagnostico microbiologico. Texto y atlas se ha convertido en la obra de referencia indiscutible para el diagnostico etiologico de las enfermedades infecciosas. Su contenido hace un abordaje completo de los fundamentos y de los procedimientos ...
24 986 ₽
Quimica clinica
изд. 2019

Quimica clinica

  • изд. 2019
La 8.a edici n de Qu mica cl nica llega por primera vez a los lectores en lengua espa ola. Se trata de un t tulo completo y amigable a la vez que presenta de forma exhaustiva y f cil de comprender los temas que estudiantes y profesionales requerir n a lo largo de su carrera. Su contenido mantiene ...
8 628 ₽
Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology
изд. 2018

Oxford Textbook of Medical Mycology

  • ENG
  • изд. 2018
Part of the Oxford Textbook in Infectious Disease and Microbiology series, this comprehensive reference unites the science and medicine of human fungal disease. Written by a leading group of international authors, topics include recent developments in taxonomy, fungal genetics and other omics, epid...
14 380 ₽
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