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Cambridge University Press Cambridge University Press Academ Cengage Learning Elsevier Science Eurospan JayPee Brothers India John Wiley & Sons Limited Jones and Bartlett Publishers Lippincott Williams & Wilkins MIT Press McGraw-Hill Oxford Academ Oxford University Press Springer Taylor&Francis-publisher Thieme Verlagsgruppe World Health Organization World Scientific Publishing (UK) Limited Неизвестно
Manna Soumen / Манна Суомен Review Of Physiology.- JayPee Brothers, ИНДИЯ, 2022
- изд. 2022
Anthony Atala Handbook of Stem Cells, vol.1-2
- изд. 2012
Soni / Сони Metabolomics
- изд. 2023
Arvind R / Арвинд Р 100+ Clinical Cases In Pediatrics
- изд. 2021
The new edition of this book is a comprehensive guide to the diagnosis and management of paediatric diseases and disorders.
Presented as a collection of 105 clinical cases ranging from the most common to the most rare conditions, each topic explains history, signs and symptoms, clinical features, examination...
Drug discovery and development, third edition
- изд. 2021
Nudi / Нуди Hybrid Cardiac Imaging for Clinical Decision-Making
- изд. 2022
Song Priscilla / Присцилла Сонг Biomedical Odysseys: Fetal Cell Experiments from Cyberspace to China
- изд. 2017
Thousands of people from more than eighty countries have traveled to China since 2001 to undergo fetal cell transplantation. Galvanized by the potential of stem and fetal cells to regenerate damaged neurons and restore lost bodily functions, people grappling with paralysis and neurodegenerative disorders...
Yang, Lei / Лей Ян Biomaterials in Translational Medicine
- изд. 2018
Translational Medicine: A Biomaterials Approach delivers timely and detailed information on the latest advances in biomaterials and their role and impact in translational medicine. Key topics addressed include the properties and functions of these materials and how they might be applied for clinical...
Peacock, Janet L. / Дженет Л. Пикок Oxford handbook of medical statistics 2e
- изд. 2020
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