Медицинские работники 339 книг
Communicating with families
изд. 2023

O`reilly, Michelle Kiyimba, Nikki Communicating with families

  • изд. 2023
This textbook uniquely highlights the particular complexities of working systemically with couples and families with children. It is designed to be student and practitioner oriented by drawing on real world examples of therapeutic encounters in mental health settings to illustrate how theory can inf...
11 179 ₽
изд. 2016

Holland Stephen Bioethics

  • ENG
  • изд. 2016
This book provides a clear and comprehensive introduction to contemporary bioethics. It also presents provocative, philosophically informed arguments on current bioethical issues.
3 008 ₽
Educate, Train & Transform: Toolkit On Medical And Health Professions Education
изд. 2020

Gwee Matthew C E, Samarasekera Dujeepa D Educate, Train & Transform: Toolkit On Medical And Health Professions Education

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

This handbook contextualises medical and health professions education concepts using contemporary best evidence available with the relevant theoretical underpinnings.

Each section is developed by internationally renowned experts in their respective fields. All chapters are succinct and concise, providing...

12 672 ₽
Comprehensive Guide, A - Cases In Medicine And Surgery: The Academic Foundation Programme Interview
изд. 2021

Alice E Lee, Dalia Abdulhussein, Mohammad Fallaha Comprehensive Guide, A - Cases In Medicine And Surgery: The Academic Foundation Programme Interview

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021
The authors are three recent graduates from Imperial College London who have all secure their first choice AFP jobs in a highly competitive programme in London. During their time in preparing for the interview process, they found that resources were limited in the information the resources conveyed ...
6 336 ₽
Dark Side Of Healthcare, The: Issues, Cases, And Lessons For The Future
изд. 2021

Brian Edwards Dark Side Of Healthcare, The: Issues, Cases, And Lessons For The Future

  • ENG
  • изд. 2021

The Dark Side of Healthcare draws uncomfortable lessons from over 300 case studies of events that occurred in the healthcare sector. Health services have many skilled and dedicated professionals but there is a dark side that cannot be ignored. The unthinkable has happened and might have been prevented....

8 712 ₽
The Bedside Palliative Medicine Handbook: Second Edition
изд. 2022

Allyn Hum, Han Yee Neo, Choo Hwee Poi The Bedside Palliative Medicine Handbook: Second Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022

Palliative care supports patients suffering from life-limiting illnesses by providing relief from physical, emotional and spiritual suffering, improving the quality of life for them and their families. It is an important component of good patient care, an integral part of the continuum of support for...

31 768 ₽
The Bedside Palliative Medicine Handbook: Second Edition
изд. 2022

Allyn Hum, Han Yee Neo, Choo Hwee Poi The Bedside Palliative Medicine Handbook: Second Edition

  • ENG
  • изд. 2022

Palliative care supports patients suffering from life-limiting illnesses by providing relief from physical, emotional and spiritual suffering, improving the quality of life for them and their families. It is an important component of good patient care, an integral part of the continuum of support for...

10 890 ₽
Educate, Train & Transform: Toolkit On Medical And Health Professions Education
изд. 2020

Gwee Matthew C E, Samarasekera Dujeepa D Educate, Train & Transform: Toolkit On Medical And Health Professions Education

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

This handbook contextualises medical and health professions education concepts using contemporary best evidence available with the relevant theoretical underpinnings.

Each section is developed by internationally renowned experts in their respective fields. All chapters are succinct and concise, providing...

7 128 ₽
Medicine My Vocation, Fishing My Recreation: Memoirs Of A Physician And Flyfisherman
изд. 2020

Thompson Gilbert R Medicine My Vocation, Fishing My Recreation: Memoirs Of A Physician And Flyfisherman

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020

This book is about the author's life motivated by two pursuits: medicine, his profession and flyfishing, his favourite recreation. Each in their own way has provided him with challenges, enjoyment and fulfilment.

The book recounts the author's experiences as a wartime school boy, post-war medical...

8 712 ₽
Medical communication: from theoretical model to practical exploration
изд. 2020

Wang, Tao (shanghai East Hospital, Tongji Univ Sch Of Medicine, China) Xu, Zhongqing (tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ Sch Of Medicine, China Medical communication: from theoretical model to practical exploration

  • ENG
  • изд. 2020
People in general are concerned about the health of themselves and their families, but they lack reliable access to health knowledge. In order to ensure that people get accurate medical knowledge, dissemination of such knowledge by medical professionals is advocated. This is the basis of medical com...
15 840 ₽
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