ISBN: 9789819932689
Код товара 159774
Phase Mapping of Human Biological Tissues

ISBN: 9789819932689
Код товара 159774
6 886 ₽
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This book presents numerical computer-aided smart-methods as part of a comprehensive statistical, correlation and fractal analysis of laser polarimetry data. It highlights relationships between polarization (azimuth distributions, polarization ellipticities, Stokes vector parameters, Mueller matrix elements) parameters of laser images of biological tissues of a human corpse in different spectral ranges and temporal dynamics of their postmortem morphological changes. The book discusses the effectiveness of correlation analysis of two-dimensional distributions of polarization inhomogeneous images of histological sections of the main types of biological tissues in determining the time of death. It also discusses the development of basic principles of phase measurements (phasometry) of microscopic images of biological tissues to determine the age of death and the time of hematoma formation. Also presented in the book are possibilities of complex laser spectral photopolarimetry images of histological sections of biological tissues of human corpse in different spectral regions, with the simultaneous development and substantiation of a set of statistical and correlational criteria for objective determination of the time of death.
Novel Diagnosis Capabilities and Prospects for Determining Post-mortem Changes in Biological Tissues and the Time of Hematoma Formation in Forensic Medicine.- Coordinate Distributions of Phase Shifts Values Between Orthogonal Components of the Amplitude o
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1.28 s.